Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun Ideas for the Holidays!

Beautiful Things from Zazzle

Here are some beautiful items to consider on Zazzle ... you will have to look at that sweatshirt by clicking the link - there is a lovely owl on the back!!

Easy Giveaway of Stickers

Here is an easy giveaway for stickers  - please Check It Out - not many entries!!  Enjoy your time ~ Thank you! ~ Diane Clancy

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Wonderful Gifts from Zazzle

I want to share with you some great products that I came across at Zazzle.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!! Thank you for looking!! ~ Diane Clancy

Wonderful Gifts to Share from Zazzle

Bronze Dragonfly
Bronze Dragonfly by JustInCase
Check out cases for the iPad online at Zazzle

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